State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Zunaid Ahmed Palak has instructed the state-owned Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company to take all-out initiatives to ensure uninterrupted internet bandwidth supply in the country at an affordable price. 

He said that submarine cable is very essential telecommunication and information technology infrastructure of the country for implementation of Smart Bangladesh. There is no alternative to developing the submarine cable company as a timely efficient organization to meet the challenges of smart logic.

He gave this instruction to the concerned officials while visiting the submarine cable landing station at Kuakata on Saturday.

The State Minister pointed out that the Submarine Cable Company as a state institution has a responsibility towards the country and the people and said that under the well-thought-out guidance of Mr. Sajeeb Wazed Joy, Advisor on ICT, and under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, various groundbreaking programs have been adopted and implemented to provide affordable and uninterrupted internet to the people. being done in 2007, the cost of internet bandwidth per Mbps was 85 thousand taka. We have brought down the cost of internet to the people to make it affordable to the minimum of 60 taka.

The state minister said that the then government of Bangladesh kept Bangladesh behind in the information technology world by rejecting the proposal of submarine cable connection in Bangladesh in 1992 for free. From 1996 to 2001 and later in 2008, Bangladesh has not only overcome the backwardness of Bangladesh through the digital Bangladesh program announced by the leader Sheikh Hasina, but high-speed broadband connection has been delivered to every union of the country, including Haor, Islands and remote hilly areas. In 2008 only 7.5 Gbps internet was used in the country and there were only 7 lakh users. Currently 13 crore 10 lakh people are using internet in the country and 5000 Gbps bandwidth is being used. He mentioned that the third submarine cable connection for Bangladesh is another historic achievement of Bangladesh in the world of digital technology.

He said the government is determined to provide network facilities to every region to ensure smart lifestyle of people.

Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited Managing Director Mirza Kamal and local officials were present. Later the State Minister visited Kuakata Telephone Exchange. He inspected the ongoing development work of Kuakata Subpost Office building.

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