During the school days of  90’s, we had to read a essay on News Paper where I read that Newspaper is the ocean of knowledge and information.  Newspapers have a long and storied history that dates back hundreds of years. While their roots are in the 1600s, newspapers thrive in the Bangladesh well into the 20th century. It was remain same in Bangladesh till the foreword of web 2.0 . The new media open an huge opportunity and potential for news and mass media as a whole. People gradually getting involve and reliant on internet based information and news. New community has formed to enjoy the freedom of expression where internet is the platform. Blogging became a parallel platform for news and views and its popularity gives it a judgment with formal journalism.  On the other hand TV Media and Radio also develop as corresponding media on Newspaper and Magazines.  Such Digital transformation and adoption of technology impact the print media a lot specially from beginning of the 21st century   with the advent of radio and later TV  and web media newspaper circulation (the number of copies sold) began a gradual but steady decline. By the beginning of -21th century, people simply didn’t have to rely on newspapers as their only source of news anymore. That was especially true of breaking news, which could be conveyed much more quickly via broadcast media. Everything about the future of newspapers is bright except the future of holding the paper in our hands. It is the fact to believe? or still there is a hope to survive- lets read

The Decline Begins with Radio ,  TV and mobile

Ofcom’s annual news consumption study 2014 found that 31% of the population read a printed newspaper to keep informed, a significant fall from the 41% who said the same thing 2013.  The sharp fall means that printed newspapers are now the least popular medium for checking news, behind radio (32%), and television (67%).While television remains by some distance the most popular medium, it too saw a significant fall from 75% last year to 67% in the current report. There was also a decrease in the popularity of radio as a source of news with the proportion of people doing so falling from 36% to 32% year-on-year.

The fall in people using traditional forms of media to keep up with the news was accompanied by an increase in people using mobiles to stay up to date, from 21% to 25%, and a significant jump in those saying they got their news via word of mouth, from 11% to 14%.

And as television newscasts became more sophisticated, TV became the dominant mass medium. This trend accelerated with the rise of CNN and 24-hour cable news networks and BBC. The most-used radio stations are BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 2, while the most-read newspapers are the Sun and Daily Mail. In Bangladesh the news channels like DBC, News 24, Channel 24, Channel i, NTV, Somoy are also popular for news. Popular radios are radio today, radio abc, radio furti and more.

People increasingly turned on the TV or read browse on mobile instead of opening a newspaper.  TV also captured more and more of the ad revenue that newspapers had relied on.

But even with TV grabbing more and more audience and ad money, newspapers still managed to survive. Papers couldn’t compete with television in terms of speed, but they could provide the kind of in-depth news coverage that TV news never could.

So, savvy editors retooled papers with this in mind. More stories were written with a feature-type approach that emphasized storytelling over breaking news, and papers were redesigned to be more visually appealing, with a greater emphasis on clean layouts and graphic design.

The Emergence of the Digital Media

Rise of online media and the emergence of the internet a vast amount of information are suddenly free for the taking. After TV 41% are used to hang out with internet for news. And number of online news portal and website has launched in which they fundamentally gave away their most valuable service – their content - for free. So to compete with the media regarding investment is stupidity though the print media is with the trend and started websites as their online version.  But it also cost them. Another rising source of news and views is blogging as the freedom of expression. The boggler community is getting bigger gradually though the acceptance of its news is not comparable with the print. The positive side of print media is it trust.

The top news source in terms of reach was BBC that website or app remains the third most-used news source wordwide. In Bangladesh most popular online news portal is Prothom Alo online, Jugantor online (parallel with the print), banglanews24.com,bdnews.com and more. Facebook is also the most popular source of news in terms of reach.

Now, however, many analysts believe this was possibly a fatal mistake. Many once-loyal newspaper readers realized that if they could conveniently access news online for free, there seemed to be little reason to pay for a newspaper subscription.

The Recession Worsens Print Journalism's Woes

Economic hard times have only accelerated the problem. Revenue from print ads has plunged, and even online ad revenue, which publishers had hoped would make up the difference, has slowed. Websites like Craigslist have eaten away at classified ad revenue. Newspaper circulation is dropping, display and classified ad revenue are drying up, and the industry has experienced an unprecedented wave of layoffs in recent years

The online business model just won’t support newspapers at the level that any print newspaper demands. With profits plunging, newspaper publishers have responded with layoffs and cutbacks.

Paper will become cost prohibitive, killing the last print campaigns.

Eventually, the entire population will have been born and raised with the internet available to them. Newspapers and magazines will only be found in museums. The last bastion of print ads will be direct mail, as a physical mailbox will be the last place that print can reach that digital can't. Eventually, that will die as well when all bills are paid online and the cost of paper becomes cost prohibitive

Print ads won't make sense in our dynamic screen environment.

Paper and other static fabrics do not provide the features that the future of advertising will come to depend on. They are heavy, inconvenient, unchangeable, wasteful and ultimately outdated. The moment something is printed, it's frozen in time. Audiences want to see vivid, immersive, dynamic displays that are time relevant down to the minute.

Does Print Still Have A Place In The Future Of Advertising?

Since the dawn of the internet, people have heralded the death of print media. It’s true that news has gone primarily online; most major media companies have made business model shifts in recent years to accommodate consumer preference for digital content. But where does this leave companies that have relied heavily on newspaper, billboard, magazine and direct mail ads?

Although print advertising may not be completely defunct yet, its future hangs in the balance. Marketers still dedicating resources to print in 2018 will need to consider whether it’s worth continuing in the current digital landscape..

 Print will continue to be valuable where there is a physical customer presence.

Print is already a target-specific medium and will become more so. It makes sense where you come in physical contact with your customers, like a retail store or event.

Luxury consumers will still value tangible ad platforms. 

Glossy magazines and major publications hold a certain cachet that online doesn't achieve. There is literal weight to your presence. This tangible platform resonates well with luxury consumers and clients -- the trick is to find a complementary balance between digital and print within any given campaign for a multidimensional approach.

 Print will allow brands to rise above the digital racket.

The ubiquity of digital media has given print media a strange new power. Think of how special it is to get a written letter as opposed to an email. If you're trying to target a C-level audience, forget email -- their assistant will just hit delete. But if you take your e-book, print it as a nice brochure and mail it to the exec's office, it might get to their desk and leave a lasting impression.

 Print will remain ideal for hyper-local markets.

There are "yellow page" industries that have grown solely from hyper-local print advertising. My industry, private investigators, happens to be one. Adding technology and digital advertising has been integral to scaling and creating new markets and users. However, traditional customers still utilize print advertising to meet their needs and we need to play in that space as well.

Why Newspapers Are Still Important

Bottom of Form

There's been a lot of talk in recent years about how newspapers may be dying, and whether, in an age of declining circulation and ad revenues, it's even possible to save them. But, there's been less discussion of what will be lost if newspapers do go the way of the dinosaurs. Why are newspapers still important? And what will be lost if they disappear? Quite a lot, as you'll see in the articles featured here.

Things That Are Lost When Newspapers Close

This is a tough time for print journalism. For a variety of reasons, newspapers nationwide are either slashing budgets and staff, going bankrupt or even closing down entirely. The problem is this: There are many things newspapers do that simply can't be replaced. Papers are a unique medium in the news business and can't be easily replicated by TV, radio or online news operations.

If Newspapers Die, What Will Happen to the News Itself?

Most original reporting - the old-school, shoe leather kind of work that involves getting out from behind a computer and hitting the streets to interview real people - is done by newspaper reporters. Not bloggers. Not TV anchors. Newspaper reporters.

Most News Still Comes From Newspapers, Study Finds

The headline coming out of a study making waves in journalism circles is that most news still comes from traditional media, primarily newspapers. Blogs and social media outlets examined provided little if any original reporting, the study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism found.

Coverage of Average Folks If Newspapers Die

There’s something else that will be lost if newspapers die: Reporters who have certain solidarity with the common man or woman because they are the common man or woman.

Newspaper Layoffs Take Their Toll on Local Investigative Reporting

According to a new report by the Federal Communications Commission, the layoffs that gutted newsrooms in recent years have resulted in "stories not written, scandals not exposed, government waste not discovered, health dangers not identified in time, local elections involving candidates about whom we know little." The report added: "The independent watchdog function that the Founding Fathers envisioned for journalism - going so far as to call it crucial to a healthy democracy - is in some cases at risk."

Newspapers May Not be Cool, But They Still Make Money

Newspapers are going to be around for awhile. Maybe not forever, but for a good long while. That's because even with the recession, more than 90 percent of the newspaper industry's earn more from than t online news. Online advertising accounted for less than 10 percent of revenue in the same period.

What Happens if Newspapers are Undervalued Into Oblivion?

If we keep valuing companies that create little or no content over the content creators, what will happen when the content creators are undervalued into extinction? Let me be clear: What we're really talking about here by and large are newspapers, ones substantial enough to generate original content. Yes newspapers, scorned by the prophets of the digital age as "legacy" media, which is another way of saying outdated.

What the Future Holds for News paper

In 2013, the USA newspaper industry study predicted that most printed newspapers had five years of life left. Their survival turns out to be more delayed than they thought. It turns into fact like the circulation decline, advertisement been placed into web from print, readers are also been shifted.  Everything about the prediction was correct except the timing. Opinions abound as to what newspapers must do to survive. Many say papers must start charging for their web content in order to support print issues. Others say printed papers will soon go the way of the Studebaker and that newspapers are destined to become online-only entities.  But it could balance in following ways.

 Print and digital campaigns will be fully integrated.

Gone are the days when leftover budget from digital channels was used for print. For maximum impact around a product launch or announcement, build an integrated marketing campaign that brings the best of both worlds together. Use KPIs that complement both channels instead of evaluating them in isolation.

 Offline entities and influencers will reengage consumers with print media.

Print media is in a state of evolution as it finds new ways to reengage consumers through partnerships with offline entities. As this evolution occurs, it will hopefully lead to higher readerships.


Yes, newspapers are facing tough times, and yes, the Internet can offer many things that papers can’t. But pundits and prognosticators have been predicting the death of newspapers for decades. Radio, TV and now the Internet were all supposed to kill them off, but they’re still here.

Contrary to expectations, many newspapers remain profitable although they no longer have the huge profit margins they did in the 1990s. Years after the digital pundits started predicting the demise of print, newspapers still take significant revenue.

  Indeed, that’s the conundrum facing newspapers and their readers. All agree that newspapers still represent an unrivaled source of in-depth news, analysis, and opinion and that if papers disappear entirely, there will be nothing to take their place.

Although print advertising may not be completely defunct yet, its future hangs in the balance. Marketers still dedicating resources to print in 2018 will need to consider whether it’s worth continuing in the current digital landscape. And print is already a target-specific medium and will become more so. It makes sense where you come in physical contact with your customers, like a retail store or event. Glossy magazines and major publications hold a certain cachet that online doesn't achieve. There is literal weight to your presence. This tangible platform resonates well with luxury consumers and clients -- the trick is to find a complementary balance between digital and print within any given campaign for a multidimensional approach. So still there is a hope to exist.

Source : https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2018/03/02/does-print-still-have-a-place-in-the-future-of-advertising-10-experts-weigh-in/#47013ad05fc6


What Issues Do Journalists Face Today?

There's never been a more tumultuous time in the news business. Newspapers are drastically downsizing and Web journalism is on the rise and taking many forms, but there are real questions about whether it can really replace newspapers.

Press freedom, meanwhile, continues to be nonexistent or under threat in many countries around the world. There are also controversies about issues like journalistic objectivity and fairness that continue to rage. It seems like a tangled mess at times, but there are many factors involved that we'll examine in detail.

Print Journalism in Peril

Newspapers are in trouble. Circulation is dropping, ad revenue is shrinking, and the industry has experienced an unprecedented wave of layoffs and cutbacks. So what does the future hold?

While some people will argue that newspapers are dead or dying, many traditional outlets are indeed adapting to the new digital world. Most offer all of their content online—either to subscribers or for free—and this goes for other media outlets like TV and radio as well. 

Though it seemed at first as if modern technology would win out over tradition, the tide seems to be finding a balance. For example, local papers are discovering new ways to localize a story to attract readers interested in a smaller piece of the bigger picture.

The Rise of Web Journalism

With the decline of newspapers, web journalism seems to be the future of the news business. But what exactly do we mean by web journalism? And can it really replace newspapers?

In general terms, web journalism includes bloggers, citizen journalists, hyper-local news sites, and even websites for print papers. The internet certainly opened up the world for more people to write whatever they want, but that doesn't mean all of these sources have the same credibility.

Bloggers, for instance, tend to focus on a niche topic, as do citizen journalists. Because some of these writers do not have training in or necessarily care about the ethics of journalism, their personal bias can come across in what they write. This is not what we consider "journalism" per say.

Journalists are concerned with the facts, getting to the heart of the story, and have their own on-the-job lingo. Digging for answers and telling them in objective ways has long been a goal of professional reporters. Indeed, many of these professionals have found an outlet in the online world, which makes it tricky for news consumers.

Some bloggers and citizen journalists are unbiased and produce great news reports. Likewise, some professional journalists are not objective and lean one way or another on political and social issues. This burgeoning online outlet has created all types on either side. This is the larger dilemma because it is now up to readers to decide what is credible and what is not.

Press Freedoms and Reporters' Rights

In the United States, the press enjoys a great deal of freedom to report critically and objectively on the important issues of the day. This freedom of the press is granted by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

In much of the world, press freedom is either limited or virtually nonexistent. Reporters are often thrown in jail, beaten, or even killed just for doing their jobs. Even in the U.S. and other free-press countries, journalists face ethical dilemmas about confidential sources, disclosing information, and cooperating with law enforcement.

All of these things are of great concern and debate to professional journalism. However, it is unlikely to be anything that resolves itself in the near future.

Bias, Balance, and an Objective Press

Is the press objective? Which news outlet is really fair and balanced, and what does that actually mean? How can reporters set aside their biases and really report the truth?

These are some of the biggest questions of modern journalism. Newspapers, cable television news, and radio broadcasts have all come under fire for reporting stories with a bias. This can be seen with great magnitude in political reporting, and even some stories that should not be politicized fall victim to it.

A perfect example can be found on cable TV news. You can watch the same story on two networks and get to completely different perspectives. The political divide has indeed swept into some aspects of journalism, in print, on air, and online. Thankfully, a number of reporters and outlets have kept bias in check and continue to tell the story in a fair and balance manner. (By Tony Rogers)

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